The ysr congress, which was in power from 2014 until 2019, is the most deadly opposition in Andhra Pradesh's history. We have observed how the party manipulated the previous government using deceptive propaganda to contaminate the public's perceptions. Even the residents of krishna and guntur districts, who stand to earn the most from Amaravati, were so thoroughly indoctrinated by I-PAC that they cast their votes against Chandrababu even though they knew jagan really detested the capital.
What transpired thereafter has been witnessed. That said, let's take a look at some of jagan Mohan Reddy's depraved political statements. The most significant matter between 2014 and 2019 is Special Status. Under the guise of Special Status, the ysr congress has pulled off all the theatrics, including resignations right before elections to avoid by-elections.

Naidu was the one who spearheaded the struggle for Special Status and left the nda to pursue it. Later on, the Center-BJP even had a major role in defeating the TDP. During his first visit to delhi after taking office in 2019, jagan put the Special Status matter on hold. We have not once heard him discuss the Special Status in the previous five years. Since taking office, jagan and ysr congress leaders have been pressuring Chandrababu to pursue the Special Status.

And there's the problem with the Steel Plant. Under Jagan's leadership, the privatization of the Vishaka steel plant became a matter of concern. Except for a few official letters, jagan took little action to halt the Privatisation. In truth, jagan intended to ship the steel plant so that the steel plant lands could be utilized for Executive Capital, according to a former CS LV Subrahmaniam in an interview.

Currently, jagan is attempting to use his pet media, the Deccan Chronicle, to promote false information regarding the Steel Plant. jagan is attempting to leverage the same grievances against chandrababu naidu that he disregarded when serving as chief minister. "There is no doubt that jagan Mohan reddy is the most astute politician in telugu politics. This politicized double standard makes it evident. people beat him once they saw how shady this game was. tdp leaders are claiming that they would never again be duped by this crafty scheme.


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