The hyderabad traffic police are conducting special drives and stepped-up inspections to tighten the noose around offenders of the law. Since the beginning of July, the police have conducted special operations to look for instances of drunk driving during the day, school bus and auto rickshaw violations, and the unlawful use of black tinted glass in automobiles.
P vishwa Prasad, an additional CP (Traffic), stated that special drives were started in the city to alert and cite drivers for a variety of infractions. When people were seen driving with black-tinted spectacles in their automobiles, the traffic police filed 1007 charges against them and fined the offenders Rs 1,000.

"We will pursue criminal charges against such violators in the upcoming days. Such an offense contributes to criminal activity as well as traffic infractions and accidents. In addition to obstructing the side and back views, tinted glasses might cause accidents, according to vishwa Prasad.
Since june 27, the traffic police have booked around 10,000 charges during a special push targeting drivers of vehicles transporting schoolchildren. Drunk driving, underage driving, overloading kids in cars, not having a fitness certificate, and drivers without uniforms are among the infractions.

Programmes to raise awareness about children's safety were organised with the school administration, parents, and drivers. The officer stated, "We are filing complaints against certain careless drivers who are still found breaking the law.
Similar to this, the traffic police launched a coordinated special offensive against school buses and vans in cooperation with the Road Transport Authority (RTA).

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