Regardless of its size and caliber, a movie will always elicit strong feelings from viewers. indian 2, which debuted lately, received generally unfavorable reviews. bobby Simha, a well-known tamil actor who was heavily involved in the movie, provided a terrible appraisal of the film's reaction on this subject.
Bobby responded, "There's a section of the audience who want to project themselves as clever individuals by saying the film is bad," in response to a query about the poor reviews the movie had gotten. They believe that criticizing a movie would make them appear smart. They don't matter to us. The actor went on to say that the crew is pleased that the film is appealing to the intended audience and that families are enjoying it.

To begin with, a movie's box office success indicates how well-liked it is by the general audience. Given the magnitude and benefit of its sequel, indian 2's results have been appalling. The picture has not been well received by the general public or moviegoers. At this point, a well-known actor who was instrumental in the movie stated that it was pointless to characterize bad reviews as coming from aspiring intellectuals and claim that their target demographic is different.


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