Priya Bhavani Shankar, who plays a significant role in the eagerly awaited film "Indian 2," has cleverly and wittyly replied to the jokes that have been made about her character. The renowned kamal haasan starred in Shankar's "Indian 2," which has music by Anirudh and direction by Haasan. Despite the film receiving a mixed reception, priya bhavani shankar has been the target of several memes on social media.
Priya Bhavani shankar made a humorous social media statement in response to the widely shared memes, saying, "Ah Paavila, it's just Katharals song, priya Bhavani Shankar." Her ability to laugh at herself and take the jokes seriously has won her acclaim from her fans. We are all aware, I suppose, that PBS is viewed as unfortunate among the peers in our KFI. 
Indeed, this is among the most regressive ideas. I'm concerned that things will turn terrible for her after indian 2. That, too, was entirely her fault—aside from putting up with this awful film. Although she's not my favorite actress, PBS is one of my most likable characters. Particularly in films like Monster and similar ones. I have a good feeling that our industry will ignore her. She's very much done with her acting career. If she has enough willpower, she can overcome this.

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