Aryan Khan, the son of Shah Rukh Khan, was arrested in the Cordelia Cruise Case in 2021, which turned out to be a bogus narcotics case. Following his detention, Khan endured harsh criticism and scrutiny on social media and news channels. Shah Rukh Khan and aryan were both the targets of persistent criticism and harassment from several social media profiles with thousands of followers.
Nevertheless, the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) cleared aryan Khan of all charges and issued him a clean sheet. Unexpectedly, one of the well-known social media identities used in the smear campaign—run by Vikas Ahir—has been taken into custody in connection with a drug-related crime.

Prominent Hindu activist and bjp worker Vikas Ahir was detained by surat city police in gujarat along with two other people for peddling MD medicines. Former Hindu yuva Vahini gujarat president Vikas Ahir, who was connected to the bjp yuva Morcha, was caught in possession of 354 grams of MD pharmaceuticals.

The surat police have detained Vikas Ahir for allegedly transporting cocaine through an ice cream shop. Given that Ahir described himself as an avid anti-drug crusader on social media, the arrest is glaringly ironic. Vikas gained notoriety for his strident opposition to Shah Rukh Khan's movie Pathaan. He attempted to scare theatre owners into not showing the movie by threatening patrons and damaging theatres. In spite of all of that, the movie became an All-Time box office Hit.

Fans of Shah Rukh Khan are rejoicing over what they perceive to be poetic justice—Vikas Ahir's incarceration. With overwhelming evidence against him, the person who spearheaded a campaign of defamation against aryan Khan for narcotics has now been exposed in a drug trafficking case.

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