'Deadpool and Wolverine' pre-orders have begun in India. Sacnilk claims that even before the movie's release, over a lakh tickets had been sold. Based on the revenue generated from the ticket sales, the movie has made five crore rupees in revenue to date. According to estimates, "Deadpool and Wolverine" might bring in over Rs 30 crore on its first day at the indian box office. There are still four days until the movie opens, and based on the excitement of the crowd, it appears that pre-booking will grow closer to the release day.

Regarding hollywood films' success in the indian box office, just five have managed to cross the Rs 30 crore mark on their first day of sales. Of them, 'Avengers: Endgame' brought in Rs 65 crore, making it the top earner. Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds will be featured in the key parts of this Marvel Studios production. Hugh Jackman as Logan and Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson will both be returning to the screen for the public to watch. 

In addition to this, significant parts will be seen for Paul Wernick, Jeb Wells, and Rhett Reese. The movie is scheduled for release on July 26, 2024. There are a lot of new titles hitting the indian box office right now. Such successful indian and international box office hits include kalki 2898 AD, indian 2, and Bad Newz. Sarfira, starring Akshay Kumar, is having trouble making even half of its budget back. In addition to having an effect on the collection of these movies, the release of "Deadpool and Wolverine" may also cause Sarfira to be removed from cinemas.


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