It is known that vijay deverakonda and filmmaker gowtam tinnanuri are working together on his next film, VD12, which is now in the filming stage. Now, in an unanticipated development, a photo of Vijay from the VD12 filming site was posted on social media. It seems like this photo was taken at the Sri Lankan site.
For the same, Vijay has had a tough makeover, as shown by the incredibly manly image that was leaked. This time, he's obviously attempting something different and preparing something intriguing. For fans who have been anxiously anticipating an update on the movie for some time, this is somewhat of a break. They are savoring this photo of their idol taken right after it was taken.

Having stated that, it is the responsibility of the creators and the shooting unit to make sure that such occurrences don't happen again. The goal of keeping the specifics of the movie under wraps in order to provide an incredible experience on large screens may be compromised by leaks like this. One thing that could be good for everyone concerned is that the leaked photo has made VD12 a popular subject on social media and brought it into the conversation.


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