Ever since the release of kalki in 2898 AD, prabhas has been kicking back. The actor recently made his way back to hyderabad after celebrating the movie's success around Europe. He will take a break till the end of this month, and in august, he will return to the sets of Maruthi's raja Saab. He designated bulk dates for the cancellation of an action scene and the main prabhas episodes. 

In addition, prabhas approved Hanu Raghavapudi to star in a recurring action drama; filming is set to begin in August. The filming of Fauji begins on august 22nd, the day the movie is released. Additionally, prabhas has to set aside a large number of dates for the film because it is a costly endeavour. For this project's shot, enormous sets are built.

Prabhas will finish filming Hanu Raghavapudi's Fauji and Maruthi's raja Saab while sandeep Vanga's Spirit is delayed. prabhas will have a busy 2024 because he needs to finish a large portion of Fauji and raja Saab. Spirit by sandeep Vanga is expected to launch early in 2019. Next year, prabhas will be releasing two films. After kalki 2898 AD, raja Saab will be his next release.

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