A full bench of five judges from the telangana high court assembled for the first time since the creation of the state of telangana to consider challenges to the Non-Agriculture Land Assessment (NALA) Act, 1963. Chief Justice Alok Aradhe, Justice Abhinand Kumar Shavili, Justice T Vinod Kumar, Justice K Lakshman, and Justice B Vijaysen reddy made up the whole bench that heard a batch of Writ Petitions related to the NALA Act, 1963 from 1992 to 1998. The set of cases is being reviewed in light of the supreme Court's ruling from november 22, 2005, regarding Civil Appeal Nos. 2885–3035 of 1998.

The aforementioned petitions were returned to the high court for further consideration. The argument being contested was that a demand letter sent out in 1991 and 1992 by the MRO at the time was not in compliance with the 1963 NALA Act. The court was obliged to re-examine the case in light of the supreme Court's ruling in State of West bengal v. Kesoram industries Limited, therefore a bench was appointed. The Attorney General informed the court that the supreme court had expressed doubts about the verdict made by the five judges on the Kesoram industries case.

considering the differences in opinions over the supreme Court's rulings. According to the AG, a nine-judge bench heard the reference on march 14, 2024, and has reserved it for judgement. After reviewing the aforementioned arguments, the court decided to postpone the hearing in order to await the ruling of the supreme Court's nine-judge panel.

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