Has ycp failed as an opposition..!?

- Jaganmohan reddy should attack the Chandrababu government
- Like a tiger, only one will attack the government.
- The opposition should keep questioning.

Elections in ap states are very different. Whichever party wins will get the absolute majority. Sometimes the opposite party doesn't even get the deposits, that happens a lot in AP. ysr congress party won 151 seats out of 175 assembly seats in 2019 elections. At that time, Chandrababu tdp was in the opposition party and fought violently against the ruling party. In the end, Chandrababu was mocked and made to suffer immensely as a witness in the assembly. However, Chandrababu did not stop questioning. In the end, as a witness of the assembly, he said that after the party came to power and became the chief minister, he would step into the assembly, that's how he went ahead and roamed among the people and finally came to power and stepped in the assembly as the chief minister. But it can be said that Jaganmohan reddy, who is currently in the opposition, is not doing that. It is even worse that the government has not questioned the government's failures even after a month has passed since the government started its rule. Moreover, when the assembly meetings start, one day he comes and spends time here and there and does not come back again. In fact, Jaganmohan reddy should attack the Chandrababu government in an extreme manner. They should be criticized for their mistakes.
Jagan should leave the trend of speaking on behalf of the public only if he is in power, otherwise he will not speak. If you sit at home complaining about the lack of opposition status, you will end up with no party. Opposition is the questioning voice, even one can stand for the people. In this way, jagan can definitely grow as a strong leader till the upcoming elections. chandrababu naidu is already releasing white papers pointing out some of the mistakes made by the previous ycp government. But there has been no counterattack from ycp so far. In addition to this, he came to the assembly meetings only on monday and then the bike was cut. Moreover, they should come to the meetings every day and question the non-implementation of the schemes that they are supposed to implement after months. A strong counter should be given to Chandrababu who released the white paper. people should be informed about the development works done by the government. The opposition should keep questioning what kind of schemes this government has said it will implement when it comes to power and when those schemes will be implemented quickly. Jaganmohan reddy will be able to win the party in the coming days if he stands on the side of the people and questions the government. Otherwise, political analysts say that his party will be completely wiped out.

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