Curly Tales creator Kamiya Jani is seeing criticism on social media following the viral release of a video snippet from her chat with star janhvi kapoor from earlier this month. During the mealtime interview conducted at Kapoor's Bandra, Mumbai, the interviewer showed amazement at both eating idli with the hand and the combo of idli and chicken curry.

Janhvi Kapoor's team arranged a variety of comfort food for the actor and Jani at the dining table, including dosa, idli, chicken curry, paneer bhurji, and moong dal chilla.
Jani hears Kapoor say, "Chicken curry, which actually you should have with the idli," encouraging her to try the popular south indian main course with the curry.
"Hold on. How come? "Chicken curry with idli?" Kamiya Jani asks Kapoor, seeming astonished.
"You must give that a shot," the bollywood star advises.
"What is this combo? Are you the one who introduced it, or is it legitimate? Jani continues, unnerved even now.

Thus, this is boney sir's (Boney Kapoor) unique offering. curry with chicken and idli. How many of you have actually given it a try is unknown to me. Curry with chicken over idli. She says, getting ready to sample the mixture that her famous guest has recommended. "I'm really anxious to try this."

"Haath se khao na. Yeh kya ho raha hai (Eat with your hands. What's happening)," Kapoor tells the chat show host.

"Idli with hands? I don't know how to eat idli with my hands," Jani responds, laughing.

Janhvi Kapoor says she can eat almost anything with her hand, including Maggi Noodles.

Even though Jani calls the idli-chicken curry combo a "weird combination," she eventually gives it her blessing after tasting it and wants her audience to share their thoughts if they have tried it.

“Born in india, introduces herself as a travel influencer and acts like a white person,” X user Aditi said, sharing the clip.

Another user expressed similar sentiments, highlighting that it is a popular combination in tamil Nadu.

“How is idli and chicken curry a weird combination? Has she ever visited tamil Nadu? Also, try idli or dosa with mutton, which is a blissful combination,” Dr Ganesh said.

“It is sometimes easy to be comfortable within your culinary bubble in india until you move out and live like a local in another city,” another user, Rohit Malekar, said.


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