Concerns have been raised about the ability of local authorities to avoid and address occurrences like this one after three IAS hopefuls, one of whom was from Telangana, perished in a flooded basement in Delhi. With such a catastrophe occurring in a matter of minutes, concerns are raised about the authorities' ability to act quickly to suppress illegal buildings and encroachments while also clearing and cleaning the nalas to prevent similar incidents and the loss of life.

With 1,302 km of nalas spread out around the city, does hyderabad have enough checks and balances to prevent catastrophes like these? When these unfortunate events happen, will the government be ready to respond?
Countless colonies can be found on lake beds and around drainage areas. There are about 140 identified water-logging locations and 390 kilometers of major drains in the city. Another noteworthy fact is the number of times low-lying regions and the bridges at Musarambagh were submerged.

In the months preceding the monsoon, ghmc and HMWS&SB got several complaints about manholes and nalas every year. 75,555 complaints regarding clogged household pipes and sewage overflows were received by HMWS&SB in june alone.
In this case, cleaning, desilting, and inadequate upkeep of retaining walls and drains might be the key contributors to these mishaps. Officials, however, insist that repairs and de-silting are done all year round, with a greater emphasis before the monsoon.

The ghmc stated in a statement that 201 projects totaling an estimated Rs 56.38 crore had been undertaken to cover 952.69 km of flood canal in the current fiscal year. 3.3 lakh cubic meters of floating material have been removed thus far, and 781.42 km of work have been finished.
Of the total, 72.41 percent was collected from the excavated earth and disposed of in the jawahar Nagar landfill. According to the quantity of dirt, bills are paid to the agency," the authorities continued.
Additionally, the company is asking residents to notify them of any necessary silt removal or other maintenance tasks. In relation to this, the local corporator and at least five nearby households were invited to register.

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