Senior public health authorities in hyderabad have advised people not to worry over claims of a Norovirus epidemic. Norovirus is a common but dangerous virus that causes viral gastroenteritis, better known as stomach flu, with symptoms including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The officials notably asked inhabitants of Old City not to panic.
Dr. B Ravinder nayak, telangana State's director of Public health (DPH), advised people not to worry or get spooked by rumors concerning the norovirus. Despite the similarity of symptoms, no one in Old City has tested positive for the norovirus thus far. Dr. nayak urged the families of Old City, "I beg you not to believe rumors that this illness is deadly and that there is an outbreak."

The most frequent cause of viral gastroenteritis in children and adults is the Rotavirus or norovirus, which can cause identical symptoms. The DPH said that all of these bacterial and viral diseases had their greatest chance of occurring during the monsoon months.
During the monsoon, there are a lot of bacterial and viral diseases that may be contracted by close contact, eating contaminated food, or coming into contact with polluted surfaces. people can recover from all of these conditions in three days with treatment. We were notified of Norovirus cases at a few Old City private institutions. But none of them are proven instances; they're all just suspected ones, according to Dr. Nayak.

The local district Medical and health Officers (DMHO) have been holding many health camps in various locations of the ancient city over the past week or two as a precaution. Dr. nayak noted, "People should understand that the majority of these infections are self-limiting, meaning the illness lasts for three days and the patient recovers."

What is norovirus?
The norovirus is a family of viruses that may cause diarrhea and vomiting. It is considered a relatively common, yet very infectious, sickness. Norovirus outbreaks typically occur during the winter and are thought to be a foodborne illness that is contracted through contaminated food.

Some precautions:

· Wash hands thoroughly, especially of children

· Prepare food safely and consume hot food

· Avoid close contact with anyone who has symptoms

· Surfaces such as counters, faucets doorknobs, and tablespoons must be cleaned

· Focus on personal hygiene and avoid consuming undercooked food

· Symptoms appear 12 to 48 hours after exposure and last 1 to 3 days

· Symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, headache, fever and body aches

· Treatment: Consume liquids and ORS; get a lot of rest; eat soft and bland food

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