Singer Chinmayi's social media post on "consent" went viral and provoked a fierce backlash from trolls. Actor rahul ravindran requested his two-year-old daughter to give him an embrace; when she declined, he honoured her choice and didn't coerce her, as chinmayi said.
Chinmayi is being targeted by a plethora of trolls who argue that a parent should not refer to his two-year-old daughter as "my daughter" but rather as "our daughter" and explain why he needs her permission before he can embrace her. chinmayi speaks up a lot on the problems that women face. However, she has been disparaged as a "feminist" and called "woke." The trolls watch chinmayi closely and analyse everything she does.

However, the incident is being interpreted incorrectly. We have been witnessing daily instances of sexual harassment and abuse of young females. A man abused his six-month-old daughter sexually, according to a report that surfaced the other day. Not every father and daughter are like that. However, it's critical to make girls aware of these predators so they can be ready for their potential to attack at any time and lurk around every corner.
One crucial lesson that everyone should learn is the importance of "consent." About it, chinmayi is attempting to make a point. However, social media's issue is that people do not find value in what has been expressed. They interpret it as a story that chinmayi recounted. When you look at it that way, you tend to focus on extraneous details and overlook the importance of the problem. It is tragic that a significant subject like "Consent" has been entirely derailed and turned into troll fodder.

This would not even be up for debate in nations like the united states or Europe, where even close relatives refrain from physically hugging or cuddling their children. Their culture is distinct in that they restrict physical contact while expressing love for children. That isn't the case in India, though, where the majority of people believe that giving children a firm embrace is the best way to express affection. As long as there is no malevolent intent, this is not an issue, but it is important to teach our kids about it because we hear so many stories of sex maniacs. Sadly, these social media trolls lack comprehension.

They believe that by mistreating chinmayi, they are exacting retribution on her, but they are unaware of how dangerously they are mocking a delicate child-related topic!


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