Recently, prominent actress Keerthy suresh was asked in an interview which dancer she most admires. Keerthy suresh was asked to select between Padma Vibhushan megastar chiranjeevi and Thalapathy Vijay during the interview. In response, the actress who had won a national award said, "My favorite dancer is Vijay Sir."
In terms of dancing, Vijay and chiranjeevi have frequently been compared, and fans of these celebrities have regularly gotten into fandom feuds. As a result, Keerthy Suresh's response quickly became popular on social media. Remarkably, the actress previously appeared on screen with both of these actors.

Professionally, actor Keerthy suresh is getting ready for the august 15 premiere of his comedy-drama Raghuthatha, which is expected to delight fans. Under Hombale Films, director suman Kumar and kgf producer vijay kiragandur provided the funding. Jayakumar, Devadarshini, ravindra Vijay, and M.S. bhaskar all had important parts to perform.

One of the top actresses in the South indian cinema business is Keerthy Suresh. She will soon be seen on silver screens in the movie raghu Thatha. suman Kumar is the director and writer of the movie. The movie also stars MS Baaskar, ravindra Vijay, Devadarshini, Rejeev Ravidranathan, and Ismath Banu in significant parts.

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