"Mr. Bachchan," which stars the strong team of ravi teja and director Harish Shankar, is expected to be a big hit in tollywood this year. ravi teja and Bhagyashri Borse co-star in this telugu version of the popular bollywood film "Raid." The first song, "Sitar," written by Mickey J Meyer, was released to coincide with the start of the advertising campaign.
In the song, 56-year-old ravi teja and the 25-year-old actress dance to appealing tunes and have passionate moments against gorgeous scenery. The images and the catchy hook beat impressed a lot of people, however, other people considered some of the sequences offensive. One dancing technique, in particular, caused controversy because teja playfully put his hands in Borse's pockets from beneath her lehenga. Critics pointed out that this motion was considered vulgar and that there was a noticeable age difference between the performers.

“56-year-old ravi Teja’s sickening dance steps with the 25-year-old bhagyashree Borse. And the filmmakers don’t even care to show the actress’ face here, because all they want is to objectify her,” criticized the ‘X’ page, Films and Stuffs, alongside a viral video of the song. In the end, the song has got a good number of views.

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