In her most recent hindi film, "Mr & Mrs Mahi," Janhvi Kapoor, a gorgeous actress, portrayed a cricket player alongside Rajkumar Rao, after her roles as lover girls. She performed well as an ambitious cricket player who, at her parents' advice, gave up her childhood aspirations to become a doctor. Before her spouse recalls her, "she forgets everything about her dream and cricket," the insider said. 

She marries Rajkumar Rao, a former cricket player who has been told to become a coach because his playing days are over. "He recognizes the potential in his wife Janhvi and develops her abilities. Subsequently, the pair experiences disagreements, but they eventually reconcile and celebrate her selection to the indian squad," he continues.

She is now enjoying success in tollywood and is dating bollywood actor Jr. ntr in "Devara." He continues, "She plays a village belle who falls in love with ntr in the movie. She would perform two songs and show off her dancing abilities." She is also excited about her high-profile project with ram Charan, which is scheduled to start shooting in September. "Her telugu journey has started off well because, in contrast to bollywood, she is collaborating with A-list actors like ntr and ram Charan," he continues.

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