For a new comedy film produced by Ramesh Taurani, filmmaker david dhawan is reconnecting with his son after working with varun dhawan on films like Main Tera Hero, Judwaa 2, and Coolie No. 1. According to early sources, Sreeleela and Mrunal Thakur were chosen to be the main heroines.
On social media, rumours started circulating that Sreeleela had left the movie. There are rumours that Sreeleela thought Mrunal Thakur's character had become more significant and was afraid of being the movie's second fiddle. She therefore made the last-minute decision to leave the movie. producer Ramesh Taurani has explained that Sreeleela was never formally a member of the cast in reaction to these rumours. He said that the first schedule is finished and that after the cast is finalised, an official announcement will be made.

Nonetheless, Mrunal and Sreeleela's inclusion in the movie was confirmed by director david dhawan himself a month ago. Sreeleela is looking for big parts in bollywood as her career in the South doesn't appear to be going very far. Her next film, Diler, will be her first in hindi cinema. With Ibrahim ali Khan as her co-star, Diler is a passionate love tale set against a sporting setting, directed by kunal deshmukh and produced by Maddock Films.

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