With samantha Ruth Prabhu and varun dhawan in the key parts, Citadel Honey Bunny, the much-awaited indian version of priyanka Chopra's Citadel series, has released its first teaser. According to early feedback, this version may even be better than the original. The trailer opens with a tense introduction to varun and Samantha's characters before cutting to a fast-paced action sequence set to a reimagined rendition of Namak Halal's "Raat Baaki."
Varun Dhawan praised Samantha's amazing devotion during a press conference after the teaser was released, especially in light of her struggle with myositis. He praised Samantha's tenacity and said that everyone at Amazon, including directors raj and DK, was motivated by her commitment. Samantha's performance in the action moments is outstanding, demonstrating her dedication and intensive preparation despite her health issues.
The expectation is heightened by her and Varun's hot chemistry. The series gains even more intrigue from its renowned cast, which includes Sikander Kher and Kay Kay Menon. Citadel The Russo Brothers serve as executive producers for josh Appelbaum, Bryan Oh, and David Weil's American online series Citadel, which has an indian adaptation called Honey Bunny. priyanka chopra and richard Madden featured in the first series, which was a huge failure for Prime Video. We'll have to wait and see if samantha can salvage this failing series.
Varun Dhawan praised Samantha's amazing devotion during a press conference after the teaser was released, especially in light of her struggle with myositis. He praised Samantha's tenacity and said that everyone at Amazon, including directors raj and DK, was motivated by her commitment. Samantha's performance in the action moments is outstanding, demonstrating her dedication and intensive preparation despite her health issues.
The expectation is heightened by her and Varun's hot chemistry. The series gains even more intrigue from its renowned cast, which includes Sikander Kher and Kay Kay Menon. Citadel The Russo Brothers serve as executive producers for josh Appelbaum, Bryan Oh, and David Weil's American online series Citadel, which has an indian adaptation called Honey Bunny. priyanka chopra and richard Madden featured in the first series, which was a huge failure for Prime Video. We'll have to wait and see if samantha can salvage this failing series.