Following the release of the trailer for their highly anticipated series Citadel: Honey bunny, varun Dhawan, and samantha Ruth Prabhu, together with priyanka Chopra, who appeared in the American version of Citadel the previous year, extended a hearty shout-out to the whole crew. priyanka shared the series poster with several collision emojis to indicate her support for the indian adaption. She also mentioned the show creators, directors Raj & DK, and the main actors.

In the meantime, varun Dhawan disclosed in the teaser trailer how he felt on the first day of filming Citadel: Honey bunny when he was instructed to hit samantha Ruth Prabhu. In the press conference, varun said, "Samantha is like, 'Hit me, hit me.'" For a variety of reasons, there is also a lot of hitting going on. It's a narrative of violent love." varun Dhawan also spoke about Samantha's perseverance and resilience amid the difficult moments she experienced due to her sickness during filming.

A multi-series, Citadel features works from Mexico, Italy, and India. It has the support of the Russo Brothers and stars richard Madden and priyanka Chopra. raj and DK are in charge of Citadel's india chapter. In Family Man 2, samantha had already collaborated with them. In this series, varun Dhawan and samantha Ruth Prabhu worked together for the first time.

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