Actress rakul preet singh recently tweeted a shot that her husband and director jackky bhagnani, the "best" photographer, took of the "simple joys of life." rakul, who has 23.7 million followers on Instagram, shared several pictures from her trip overseas. rakul is shown in the first image standing with lovely flowers along the road while dressed in all black. Another picture shows her breakfast, which is avocado toast.

Rakul is seen in a photo sitting at a cafe with a cross-body bag and a white tank top.
In the final photo, she is seen eating ice cream while wearing a bright green shirt.
The description for the photo reads, "Simple joys of life... PS: jackky bhagnani is the greatest photographer I have on my side," the message was accompanied by a red heart emoji.
On the post, a follower said, "Wow so pretty."
Additionally, one more user said, "And you are the joy of our life."

Rakul and Jackky exchanged vows in goa on february 21, 2024.
Professionally speaking, rakul debuted as an actress in the 2009 kannada film "Gilli," which was a reimagining of Selvaraghavan's "7G Rainbow Colony."
After then, the actress starred in other telugu films, including "Keratam," "Venkatadri Express," "Rough," "Loukyam," "Current Theega," "Bruce Lee," "Nannaku Prematho," "Dhruva," and "Jaya Janaki Nayaka."
Rakul has acted in tamil films, including "Puthagam," "Yennamo Yedho," "Theeran Adhigaaram Ondru," "Thadaiyara Thaakka," and "Boo."
Yaariyan, Aiyaary, De De Pyaar De, Sardar Ka Grandson, Runway 34, Cuttputlli, doctor G, Thank God, and Chhatriwali are just a few of the hindi films in which she has appeared.

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