India vs Pakistan: Two clash in champions trophy..!?

Champions Trophy 2025 is organized by the pakistan cricket Board. While the top 8 teams in the ICC ODI Rankings will participate in the series, all the teams except india have agreed to travel to pakistan to play. Only india is keeping silent. Already, the pakistan cricket Board had asked the ICC to express India's position as soon as possible. It has also said that the ICC will take the final decision in this matter, and will not allow the tournament to be held in foreign countries except pakistan, and will not cooperate with the hybrid model. Will the indian team participate in the Champions Trophy series? India's participation in the Champions Trophy series was not even discussed in the recent ICC meeting. In addition, the ICC, which has allocated a total of USD 70 million to host the series, has also earmarked USD 4.5 million for additional expenses. Perhaps if the ICC Champions Trophy is held in a hybrid model, this amount allocated by the ICC will definitely not be ten.

As india is the only one asking for a hybrid model, bcci is likely to bear the entire cost. However, no final decision has been taken in this regard. The pakistan cricket Board has also asked the country's officials not to discuss anything about India's participation in the Champions Trophy cricket matches in public. As per the proposed Champions Trophy schedule which has now been prepared by the pakistan cricket Board, india is scheduled to play all the matches in Lahore only. Also, both teams are in the same division. So, there is a possibility of two matches in this series, league and final. But the schedule of the Champions Trophy cricket series is fixed based on the decision of the Board of cricket in India. Perhaps if india does not participate, there is a possibility that the Sri Lankan team will also participate.

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