Bigg Boss telugu, the biggest and most watched reality program in telugu regions, is preparing for its eighth season. king nagarjuna will serve as the show's host once more. Nag has been the host for the past six seasons running. Every season, the bigg boss crew reportedly shortlists between 100 and 150 applicants. There were about 200 applications this time, and 20 of them could make it to the show's final list of contestants.

Though the final list has not been announced yet, it will include a variety of news reporters, social media influencers, young and minor heroes, and beauty pageants. Although the contracts still need to be signed, it is said that the probable list is prepared. It is anticipated that the contracts will be finalised shortly in order to create the final list. 

Numerous sources indicated that this season will include well-known astrologer venu Swamy. He might not be involved in the program, according to insider information. We have also heard that this season would feature nagarjuna in an avatar that has never been seen before. In order to keep the audience entertained, the presentation is also anticipated to be redesigned.

The rumour mill claims that the new bigg boss season 8 promo will be out in two to three days. The season will make its debut on september 1, according to the creators. In the event of any postponements, the debut date is september 8.

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