With the telugu web series Brinda, helmed by surya Manoj Vangala, trisha makes her OTT debut. For reasons that are unclear, the series has not received adequate promotion prior to its august 2 premiere on SonyLIV. The show turns out to be quite entertaining, if not outstanding. Brinda explores the realm of serial murderers, a theme that always draws interest. Eight episodes, each lasting around forty minutes, make up the series.

A glimpse into the life of Brinda, Sarathi, her early years, Kabir anand (portrayed by indrajith Sukumaran), and the murderer is provided by surya Manoj Vangala. Because each character is well-developed, viewers are kept interested. Given the fragile religious context of today, the series addresses a difficult subject: the effects of superstition and blind faith on society. surya tackles this delicately, delving into its detrimental repercussions as well as how parenting—or lack thereof—shapes the main characters' personalities.
On the other hand, the staging of crimes is essential to comprehending the mental state of serial killers. In this instance, surya incorporates an uncommon bird into the crime scene. Although the intention was to provide a ghastly touch, the CGI bird isn't particularly believable, and this aspect tends to burn away. Twists that are added nonstop may often get overpowering and divert attention from the primary story. The writing may have been more concise.
It's a little disappointing that the killer's face is shown in episode 1, as the next episodes will have to keep viewers interested. Personal storylines that don't really advance the characters, such Sarathi's childless marriage and Brinda's "modern" sister, are cliched. Subtle nuances should be revealed in writing without being too evident. Brinda discusses cult dynamics, although she doesn't go into great detail about them, and occasionally she conflates normal feelings with psychopathy.

The show is interesting despite its shortcomings, and the murderers' backstories are interesting even if at times they may seem to support what they did. In her role as Brinda, trisha excels, giving one of her greatest performances. In her capacity as a committed police officer, she exudes a refreshing lack of makeup. Both Anandasami, who plays the murderer, and ravindra Vijay, who plays Sarathi, provide excellent performances. indrajith Sukumaran makes a useful contribution despite his little screen time. Every time trisha tackles a topic related to women, such as Mohini, Raangi, or The Road, she has bad luck. However, she achieves her first triumph in which she plays the hero with Brinda. Brinda is one of the finest South OTT programs overall.


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