According to reports, kangana ranaut is selling her Pali Hill home in Mumbai. The bungalow made headlines in 2020 when the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) partially razed it to make way for illegitimate development. The opulent home was showcased in a recent video by Code Estate on their YouTube channel, where it was revealed that it is now for sale at ₹40 crore.
Shabnam Gupta created kangana Ranaut's office for manikarnika Films, which has a gorgeous wooden staircase, a large main workstation, a pleasant editing studio, a discussion space, and a conference room. A large conference space is located on the second level, and additional seating is available in a mezzanine area. A bathroom with a shower, closet, and dressing space is also included.

The entire area has Indian-inspired furnishings and accents, giving it a feel similar to a Parisian cafe. The residence provides kangana and her team with a serene retreat and workspace. Features include handcrafted furnishings imported from Rajasthan, French doors adorned with delicate transparent shades, exposed ceiling rafters, and pockets of flora. kangana had already released a number of interior photos of the property back in May 2020.


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