Director SS rajamouli recently talked about the controversy surrounding a moment in his critically acclaimed film Baahubali in an interview for a Netflix documentary. In the sequence, Prabhas's character Sivudu changes Avantika's (Tamannaah Bhatia) look by taking off her filthy garments.

This sequence has drawn criticism from many fans and commentators, who dubbed it the "Rape of Avantika" and charged rajamouli of acting in an unconsensual manner. Nonetheless, rajamouli gave an explanation of the scene's inspiration in the documentary. Although Avantika is a fighter, she has no desire to be one. She aspires to be a stunning woman, according to Rajamouli. He clarified that despite Sivudu being injured by an arrow, he continues to be drawn to Avantika's appearance, indicating her want to accept her femininity.

Although rajamouli recognized that the sequence angered some individuals, he thinks these people misinterpreted his intentions. "Showing women in a certain way, despite the presence of strong characters like Sivagami and Devasena, has drawn criticism from some quarters; I believe their criticism stems from a lack of context awareness," he stated. According to rajamouli, the scenario was not intended to be seen as an exploitation or an attack.

The controversy surrounding the sequence has been rekindled by the director's remarks. While some support Rajamouli's creative perspective, others continue to think the moment was disrespectful and rude. rajamouli is a well-known filmmaker in India, and his viewpoint undoubtedly draws attention to how difficult it can be to depict gender relations in films. However, art should ultimately be viewed as art.

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