At a news conference held by the Humayunnagar police on Sunday, there was a lot of commotion as an accused person publicly declared that he was the victim of police framing. The accused, Sahel fardeen khan, was presented to the media during a press conference hosted by G Chandra Mohan, DCP (South West) hyderabad, and was the subject of 17 prior cases filed in various hyderabad police stations.
The police had to take the hooded fardeen khan out of the auditorium after he began yelling, "ganja puche tu ladia hovie, yeh case mein book kardiyeh," as the news conference got underway. As he was leaving, he requested the cops to let him talk, saying, "Bolne diyoh sahib, galat kareso."
The disturbance the criminal had caused in the presence of media representatives had the hyderabad police authorities dumbfounded. Subsequently, the police in Humayunnagar revealed that fardeen khan is a renowned criminal with 19 complaints filed against him.

According to G Chandra Mohan, DCP (south west), on friday night, fardeen khan and six other individuals—Aijaz Qureshi, Nerati Prashanth, K Sai, P Rajashekar, Mohd Khaleel, G Abhilash Mohan, and a juvenile—came and stole two cell phones and gold ornaments from one person, Srimath Kumar, 24, who was out for dinner with his friends in a car at Asifnagar Road.
When a police special unit apprehended them, they found an apple iPhone, a gold necklace, a dagger, and a two-wheeler. In Raidurgam, Aijaz Qureshi is implicated in one property violation and Prashanth in two.

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