On Friday, rat droppings were discovered at a shamshabad eatery. Food safety inspectors believe that there may have been a rat infestation in the store room because of the excrement that was found on the floor and shelves. Teams from the telangana Food Safety Department's task force visited eateries in shamshabad on many occasions, noting hygienic and quality infractions. 

The majority of these establishments did not have a copy of their FSSAI genuine licence on display. With the exception of one restaurant that was examined, none of the following data were available: water analysis reports, pest control records, or medical fitness certifications for the food handlers.

In addition to other infractions, Yes Bawarchi Multi Cuisine Restaurant's windows lacked insect-proof screens and its kitchen was messy with peeling plaster on the walls. Furthermore, the water given here had just 24 total dissolved solids, far less than the required requirement of 75. Rat droppings were discovered here as well.

Food items including red and sweet chilli sauces, coconut milk, rose water, fish masala, and thyme were discovered to be expired at Hotel hyderabad Grand and were immediately thrown out. BBQ sauce (2 kg) and dust tea (20 kg) were also confiscated due to incorrect labelling. Additionally, artificial food colouring was thrown away. The airport Bawarchi Restaurant was likewise found to have similar infractions. Here, there were no labels on the food items in the refrigerator or on the bread and buns that were on display.

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