The eagerly anticipated follow-up to shankar and Kamal Haasan's beloved 1996 film, indian 2, has turned out to be an enormous calamity. The movie has received overwhelming praise from viewers when it opened in theatres following an extended period of anticipation. Clearly, indian 2 has flopped badly in comparison to the first film, and fans are quite dissatisfied with how Senapathy, an iconic character, is portrayed.

Despite his impressive track record, shankar has now experienced his first significant setback with this movie. indian 2, which took in 600 crore to break even, is also the largest failure of 2024, only making 150 crore globally. Following this catastrophic setback, Netflix india was reconsidering the terms of its agreement with the production team and withholding payments. However, new information indicates that indian 2 will still launch on Netflix on august 9.

From august 9 onwards, get ready for a social media troll assault. It's only fair that the picture will be mercilessly disregarded due to its lousy plot, terrible writing, horrible music, weak action sequences, and appalling acting. The most criticism will undoubtedly be directed at Senapathy's updated appearance and personality.

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