Popular actress Sreeleela reportedly declined a part alongside tamil superstar karthi in the movie Sardar 2, according to sources from tamil media. She declined since there were originally going to be two heroines in the movie. According to sources, Sreeleela did not want to share screen time with other actresses and preferred parts where she was the only heroine, even in kollywood (Tamil movie).
Given her increasing prominence in Tollywood, Sreeleela's move makes sense (Telugu film). The actress chooses lone heroine parts to preserve her brand value in Kollywood. Rejecting Sardar 2, a recently released two-heroine film, is a calculated decision for her professional life. Guntur Kaaram, Sreeleela's most recent telugu film, was a commercial hit. She received a great deal of praise all over the world for her passionate dancing performance in the song Kurichi Madathapetti alongside superstar Mahesh Babu.

Sreeleela has demonstrated her exceptional dance abilities in several telugu films, including skanda and Dhamaka. She is currently making good money by advertising retail goods in chennai as she waits for a big part opposite a well-known tamil actor. The actress has already collaborated with well-known celebrities like ram pothineni and ravi Teja. Alongside Balakrishna, she had a significant role in Bhagavanth Kesari. Actresses' exposure and career mileage are usually enhanced when they collaborate with major celebrities.

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