In a startling occurrence in southern Bengaluru, a woman was allegedly harassed and pursued by an unidentified male. The assault happened in the early hours of august 2 but wasn't reported until monday since the complainant hadn't gone to the police at first. In the Konanakunte police boundaries, the woman in her mid-30s was reportedly waiting for her neighbors to go for a morning stroll at around five in the morning. "She has been doing it every day for the past few years," one official stated. The woman waited in her saree when a guy approached her surreptitiously and took hold of her from behind. The woman started to run, alarmed.

Then, before he could get her, the unidentified man pursued her for a short distance. As she cried out, he tried to dominate her by keeping his mouth shut and improperly caressing her. The culprit ran away as her calls for assistance became stronger. A neighboring CCTV camera caught the entire episode. According to police sources who spoke with DH, after learning of the event, they tracked down the victim and filed a First Information Report (FIR) on sunday after receiving a complaint.

A case has been registered under Sections 74 (assault or use of criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty), 75 (sexual harassment), 78 (stalking), and 79 (word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS). Investigation is underway.

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