Fitness is rakul Preet Singh's obsession. After logging over 21,000 steps, the actress celebrated a significant fitness milestone on sunday by posting a photo of her wristwatch. She included a 15.37-kilometer walk in her usual workout program this morning. The photo was captioned "Days like these" by Rakul.
On sunday, actress rakul preet singh completed over 21,000 steps, marking a significant fitness milestone. rakul posted a photo of her wristwatch on instagram Stories, indicating that she had taken 21,573 steps and traveled 15.37 km. She included dancing girl emojis as a caption for the photo, writing, "Days like these." rakul posted a snapshot of her "best" photographer, filmmaker-husband Jackky Bhagnani, on august 2.
The image showed Rakul's "simple joys of life." She shared many pictures from her trip overseas with the comment, "Simple joys of life... PS: Jackky Bhagnani, the greatest photographer, is by my side. rakul and Jackky were married in front of their close friends and family in goa in February. rakul often provides her followers with an inside look into her daily life on social media. She published honest pictures from her everyday life last month, which she called her "shoot diaries." "A day in our life goes like this #shootdiaries," the message reads, adding a red heart emoji.

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