BRS working president and former IT minister KT Rama Rao urged the congress administration to concentrate on the industry, pointing out that recent data given by the government revealed a fall in Telangana's IT exports and new employment generated in the field. In a post shared on X, Rama Rao stated that during the previous six to seven years, the State has experienced significant increase in both IT exports and the number of new IT employment.
“Had a chance to look at the latest trends released by the govt. The alarming decline in Telangana’s IT exports is a matter of serious concern. Even more concerning is the fact that new IT jobs created in telangana have fallen to one-third of the 2022-23 numbers,” he said.

The State's IT export earnings fell precipitously from Rs 57,706 crore in 2022–2023 to Rs 26,948 crore in 2023–2024. In terms of IT employment, he stated that 1,27,594 new positions were generated in 2022–2023 and that number dropped to 40,285 in 2023–2024.
"One of the key drivers of telangana State's and Hyderabad's development is the IT industry. Thanks to a number of ground-breaking measures and the TSiPASS single-window project, this industry experienced unparalleled development during the BRS administration," he stated.

"I implore the congress government to maintain policy continuity and give the IT and ITeS industry top priority. Both new and existing investors need to be drawn in and nurtured. Rama Rao stated, "Young entrepreneurs and startups must be fostered by all means. The State's IT industry is growing because of constant infrastructure upgrades and tough enforcement of law and order.
"These two areas seem to have taken a backseat since they assumed office, and the congress government needs to focus on them," he said.

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