With ravi teja and harish shankar together, the film Mr. Bachchan combines action, romance, broad appeal, and entertainment. Since the release date is drawing near, the creators stepped up their promotional efforts. A new romantic image featuring ravi teja and Bhagyashri Borse portrays the couple enjoying a private moment. It was purposefully created to create buzz ahead of the film's trailer, which is scheduled to be released on august 7.
A passionate, high-octane movie appears to be loading. While the teaser has revealed these elements, the trailer is probably going to provide a far clearer look at the plot of the movie. Mr. Bachchan, which is directed by harish shankar and produced on people media Factory by TG vishwa Prasad, is set against the backdrop of a historical era, and ravi teja is portrayed as an upright income tax officer. august 15th is the movie's release date.

In this case, tamil audiences are shaming telugu people for their movie taste telugu audiences don't watch a movie without a skin show or glamour or gravity-defying stunts. They even made a mockery earlier when Prithviraj's 'Aadujeevitham' failed. Now, they are shaming with raid posters. Let's see


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