The minimum wage varies greatly across the world, with some countries setting very low minimum wage standards. Here are some countries known for having some of the lowest minimum wages:

Uganda: uganda has one of the lowest minimum wages in the world, which has not been revised for several years. It is roughly around $1.50 per month.

Sierra Leone: The minimum wage in sierra leone is approximately $0.03 per hour or around $5 per month.

Nigeria: In Nigeria, the minimum wage is about $0.34 per hour or approximately $83 per month.

India: Minimum wage laws in india vary by state and occupation, but some states have minimum wages as low as $2 per day.

Bangladesh: In Bangladesh, the minimum wage for garment workers, which is one of the highest among all sectors, is around $95 per month.

Ethiopia: ethiopia does not have a nationally mandated minimum wage except for the public sector and some industrial jobs, where it is about $21 per month.

Pakistan: The minimum wage in pakistan is approximately $0.25 per hour, amounting to around $115 per month.

Mozambique: The minimum wage varies by sector but is generally around $60-$120 per month.

Myanmar: The minimum wage in Myanmar is approximately $3.60 per day or about $90 per month.

Madagascar: The minimum wage in madagascar is approximately $40 per month.

These figures can change due to policy updates, economic changes, and inflation adjustments.

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