As previously reported, shruti haasan is starring in Rajinikanth's next picture, Coolie, which is helmed by lokesh Kanagaraj. The star posted a photo to social media with the message "Coolie Day 1." She later removed it, though. However, the post's screenshot became viral on social media. There were rumors that shruti was going to play Rajinikanth's daughter in the film.
Recently, lokesh and shruti worked together on the music video for Kamal Haasan's song "Inimel." In the song video, lokesh and shruti had a romantic role. lokesh acted in the song, which shruti directed. Now that things have changed, lokesh will resume his usual position as director. In this case, shruti Haasan's housewife getup from her instagram stories has raised curiosity among the fans.
The sun Pictures-produced movie Coolie is billed as a heist movie. Sathyaraj's involvement in the film has been confirmed, in addition to Rajinikanth and shruti Haasan. During the film Mazhai Pidikatha Manithan's promotional event, the actor revealed it even before an official announcement was made. Regarding the cast, Girish Gangadharan, who collaborated with the director on lokesh Kanagaraj's Vikram, has rejoined him for Coolie. The film will be edited by Philomin Raj, another of Lokesh's frequent collaborators. Anbu-Arivu, a stunt choreographer, is anticipated to join the group.
Recently, lokesh and shruti worked together on the music video for Kamal Haasan's song "Inimel." In the song video, lokesh and shruti had a romantic role. lokesh acted in the song, which shruti directed. Now that things have changed, lokesh will resume his usual position as director. In this case, shruti Haasan's housewife getup from her instagram stories has raised curiosity among the fans.
The sun Pictures-produced movie Coolie is billed as a heist movie. Sathyaraj's involvement in the film has been confirmed, in addition to Rajinikanth and shruti Haasan. During the film Mazhai Pidikatha Manithan's promotional event, the actor revealed it even before an official announcement was made. Regarding the cast, Girish Gangadharan, who collaborated with the director on lokesh Kanagaraj's Vikram, has rejoined him for Coolie. The film will be edited by Philomin Raj, another of Lokesh's frequent collaborators. Anbu-Arivu, a stunt choreographer, is anticipated to join the group.