Rakul Preet Singh wore an exquisitely designed saree that exuded sophistication while remaining comfortable. The saree had soft green hues and lovely white floral patterns. It includes tassels at the edges, sequin embellishments, and delicate leaf motifs all over it. She let the pallu cascade softly from her shoulders as she wrapped it carefully about herself.
She accessorized her saree with an ivory shirt with a plunging neckline and no sleeves. She chose bold jewelry for her accessories. She went with tiny gold rings, a stack of gold bangles, and large stacked jhumkas. silver wedge heels completed her appearance.
Rakul's glam choices were subtle, with a dewy base, shimmering eye shadow, and peach glossy lips that accentuated her elegance. Her hair was let loose to cascade over her shoulders. rakul chose to wear a blush pink saree a while back. She paired her saree's dreamy two-tone pink with a silver sleeveless top that complemented her pastel drape.