Following her historic victory in the Olympic semifinals on tuesday night in Paris, wrestler Vinesh Phogat, the congress poked fun at prime minister Narendra Modi by questioning if he would contact her. Vinesh Phogat defeated Yusneylys Guzman of cuba 5-0 in the semifinal bout to become the first indian to go to the women's wrestling final at the Olympics. She also triumphed against tokyo 2020 winner Yui Susaki of japan in the quarterfinals. Notably, it was the Japanese wrestler's first loss in eighty-two foreign contests.
Taking to social media X, congress leader jairam ramesh wrote, “Vinesh Phogat is assured of a silver or a gold medal at Paris. Will the non-biological PM call her? To congratulate her of course but more importantly to apologise for the atrocious manner in which the delhi Police misbehaved with her during the women wrestlers protest?”

The top wrestlers in the nation staged a protest in 2023 against then-Wrestlers' Federation of india (WFI) head Brij bhushan Sharan Singh, to which the senior congress politician was alluding. Female wrestlers have accused Brij Bhushan, who is also a member of the bharatiya janata party (BJP), of sexual harassment. Since 2012, the bjp leader, at 67 years old, has served as WFI's head.

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