The ponniyin selvan series, director Mani Ratnam's most recent film, has been the filmmaker's dream project. For many years, the director of Nayagan desired to portray the Chola Dynasty. However, ponniyin selvan Part One and Part Two (2023) were the results of the collaboration of Vikram, Karthi, trisha, aishwarya Rai, and jayaram Ravi in 2022.
Media sources state that Mani was eager to begin the film in 2010 with a new cast. Mani had considered creating a PS series with mahesh babu and Vijay playing the major roles, as Pinkvilla revealed. The performers reportedly even signed on for the movie, but at the time, the visual effects and graphics were minimal, and the movie was shelved because of budgetary issues. mahesh babu said in an earlier interview with Vikatan magazine that he and Vijay had even completed a photo shoot for the movie in Chennai; however, the movie was shelved seven days before the main filming began.
In this case, a photo of trisha was doing rounds on social media claiming to be a deleted one from 'Ponniyin Selvan'. When we poked our noses, we came to know it wasn't a fake or AI edited, and it was a real one. However, this wasn't from 'Ponniyin Selvan' and it was from Trisha's old movie 'Bheema' where she paired with Vikram.
Media sources state that Mani was eager to begin the film in 2010 with a new cast. Mani had considered creating a PS series with mahesh babu and Vijay playing the major roles, as Pinkvilla revealed. The performers reportedly even signed on for the movie, but at the time, the visual effects and graphics were minimal, and the movie was shelved because of budgetary issues. mahesh babu said in an earlier interview with Vikatan magazine that he and Vijay had even completed a photo shoot for the movie in Chennai; however, the movie was shelved seven days before the main filming began.
In this case, a photo of trisha was doing rounds on social media claiming to be a deleted one from 'Ponniyin Selvan'. When we poked our noses, we came to know it wasn't a fake or AI edited, and it was a real one. However, this wasn't from 'Ponniyin Selvan' and it was from Trisha's old movie 'Bheema' where she paired with Vikram.