September 5 is when venkat Prabhu's much awaited movie GOAT, which stars Thalapathy Vijay in the main role, is scheduled to premiere. The mega-budget drama's post-production work is almost finished, and anticipation is growing.

YouTuber abhishek Raja, who assisted venkat prabhu with GOAT, has shared some fascinating information. raja claims that Vijay has already watched the film's final edit and is delighted with the result. According to reports, he gave venkat prabhu a hug and said that if the actor hadn't made the decision to retire from performing, he could have thought about collaborating with him on another movie.

This implies that after seeing the movie, Vijay could be second-guessing his choice to enter politics. Vijay has declared that Thalapathy 69, his upcoming film following GOAT, will be his last playing role before turning his attention to politics. Although it's evident that Vijay is happy with GOAT, not everyone feels the same way about everything.

Spark, the third single from GOAT, was just published. However, the dance number, which was written by Yuvan shankar Raja, was so mediocre that it failed to live up to the fans' expectations. Because Vijay's visage was given such a poor application of the de-aging method, which failed to make him seem younger, it has become one of the most trolling songs in recent times.

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