With HanuMan, Niranjan reddy and chaitanya reddy, the producers, achieved a huge blockbuster. With Darling, they met instantaneously with tragedy. They are now in the pre-production phase of a 100 crore budget film starring Sai Durgha Tej. They are now ready for their kannada Debut. According to sources, they are working with kannada actor sudeep on a film project. The film, directed by Anup bhandari of Vikrant Rona fame, has a highly intriguing genre.

Without making a formal announcement, the film's production has quietly started in Bengaluru. There are also rumours that this is a high-end movie. Although Vikrant Rona was a box office failure, the producers claim the filmmaker tried again with a different genre movie.
 After more than 20 years in the business, Kichcha sudeep is regarded as one of the most prestigious names in South indian film. The actor was awarded an honorary degree by Tumkur university in recognition of his significant accomplishments, but he declined the accolade.

According to sources, Tumkur university in karnataka awarded actor sudeep an honorary degree in recognition of his services to the film industry and charitable endeavours. The actor thanked the institution sincerely for the accolade, but he refused to take it, saying that someone older and more deserving of it than him should receive it.

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