Ulaganayagan bigg boss, a renowned reality program that aired in tamil, has confirmed that kamal haasan would not be hosting the next eighth season. For the first seven seasons of bigg boss tamil, Kamal served as the host. He stated that because to his previous obligations in the film industry, he will not be hosting the future season.
The vikram actor claimed that hosting this program allowed him to share his knowledge and build meaningful relationships with the viewers. He thanked the crowd and the competitors and said he will always be appreciative of this educational opportunity. "It has been an honour to see you at your homes. I will always be grateful to you for the love and compassion you have given me. bigg boss tamil is one of the finest television reality series in india because of your enthusiastic and fervent support of the competitors, Kamal stated in his official message.

In this case, there are reports that sarath kumar is going to host the new season. But, when we inquired with the insiders we came to know it was a FAKE news and the team never finalized the new host. The image of sarath kumar hosting the bigg boss show was a fake one. In addition, Kamal expressed gratitude to bigg boss Tamil's complete cast and official broadcaster, Vijay tv, for their contributions to the show's success over the last seven years. Kamal is now starring in Thug Life, directed by Mani Ratnam. Additionally, he is working on Shankar's indian 3 and Nag Ashwin's kalki Part 2.

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