Despite being in the telugu cinema industry for five years, akhil akkineni continues to face difficulties. His latest movie, Agent, was a complete flop. His upcoming project, Dheera, is a period piece that will shortly go into production. Following Dheera, akhil also booked his next project. With chittoor as the backdrop, the film is a rural drama. murali Kishor Abburu, who helmed Vinaro Bhagyamu vishnu Katha starring kiran Abbavaram, will be directing it.
Originally scheduled to be directed by ravi Teja, the film was ultimately shot in Akkineni Compound. According to reports, the title under discussion is "Lenin." The movie will be produced by nagarjuna and naga chaitanya under the manam Enterprises brand. With the backdrop of chittoor, it is described as a rural drama. It's reported that nagarjuna is highly optimistic about the movie and wants to work with akhil on it.

Sahu Garapati had been tasked with producing the movie alongside ravi Teja, but he abandoned it out of reverence for Nagarjuna. Moving out of the spotlight is one thing that a rising hero absolutely cannot afford to do. It is precisely this error that akhil akkineni is making.


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