In 2019, Saiee Manjrekar, the daughter of director Mahesh Manjrekar, had her very public debut alongside salman khan in Dabanng 3. But the movie was a huge failure. After that, she acted in films such Major, Ghani, Skanda, and Kuch Khatta Ho Jaay. Major was the only one among these that did well in telugu but poorly in Hindi. industry insiders claim that the others were all complete failures.

With her most recent movie, Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha, which also starred ajay Devgn, tabu, and Shantanu, she had high hopes. She portrayed a younger tabu in the movie. The movie has been a complete and utter failure. The movie had a poor box office debut and received horrible reviews. It's shameful that the movie won't make more than 10 crores in its lifetime after its first weekend earnings of about 5 crores.

Saiee possesses remarkable beauty and a passable acting ability. However, she is not receiving the success that she is due. Furthermore, it's unclear what her upcoming tasks include. I hope a good director puts her in a nice movie so she can start making some money soon.

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