On Thursday, august 8, naga chaitanya and sobhita dhulipala announced their engagement. When nagarjuna posted their engagement pictures on social media, it officially ended the rumors that they were dating. samantha Ruth Prabhu was naga Chaitanya's former spouse. Recently, a previous video of Sobhita praising samantha went viral.

In the video, Sobhita expressed, "I think Samantha's journey is really cool." Her filmography and her current ability to lead a project are quite impressive. Regarding naga chaitanya, she responded, "I believe his disposition to He seems like such a calm, collected man to me. So honorable. Thank you very much for that. The footage dates back to Sobhita's promotion of The Night Manager, Part 2.

In the meantime, relationship speculations between naga chaitanya and sobhita dhulipala have been in the news for a while. They were first seen together in May of last year while Sobhita was promoting her movie Major in Hyderabad, Naga's birthplace. According to reports, the actress spent her birthday with naga and a few friends while she was in the city for movie promotions. samantha Ruth Prabhu was naga Chaitanya's former spouse. They dated for a few years before their 2017 wedding. However, in october 2021—that is, after four years of marriage—the two announced their split.

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