Today, august 8, naga chaitanya and sobhita dhulipala tied the knot in a private ceremony at Chay's hyderabad home. On the same day, Chay's father, actor nagarjuna Akkineni, officially posted photos from the event on his X account. supporters of samantha Ruth Prabhu, Chay's ex-wife, and Chay's supporters are divided on social media as a result of this incident.
Before they announced their divorce in 2021, samantha Ruth Prabhu and naga chaitanya were one of the most beloved couples in Tollywood. Following their co-starring role in the critically acclaimed film "Ye Maaya Chesave" (2010), they soon began dating. In 2017, they got married. samantha once remarked in an interview that Chay didn't seem to be real when he declared his love for her.
Samantha and naga chaitanya discussed their experiences in the profession and their romantic lives in an interview with TFPC on their official YouTube channel years ago. The presenter urged Chay to instantly pop the question to samantha during the interview. After a moment of shyness, samantha laughed and encouraged Chay to "say it like you mean it." "From the bottom of my heart, samantha, I love you," Chay said. samantha wasn't happy, though, so she questioned the interviewer, "Did you believe that?" Playfully, she continued, saying that she didn't think it was true and that he should say it again the way he intended to.
Before they announced their divorce in 2021, samantha Ruth Prabhu and naga chaitanya were one of the most beloved couples in Tollywood. Following their co-starring role in the critically acclaimed film "Ye Maaya Chesave" (2010), they soon began dating. In 2017, they got married. samantha once remarked in an interview that Chay didn't seem to be real when he declared his love for her.
Samantha and naga chaitanya discussed their experiences in the profession and their romantic lives in an interview with TFPC on their official YouTube channel years ago. The presenter urged Chay to instantly pop the question to samantha during the interview. After a moment of shyness, samantha laughed and encouraged Chay to "say it like you mean it." "From the bottom of my heart, samantha, I love you," Chay said. samantha wasn't happy, though, so she questioned the interviewer, "Did you believe that?" Playfully, she continued, saying that she didn't think it was true and that he should say it again the way he intended to.