When he announced yesterday that he was engaged to actress sobhita dhulipala, naga chaitanya stunned the industry. Just a few months after rumors of their relationship became popular, Chay abruptly announced his engagement. samantha, naga Chaitanya's ex-wife, has been a major talking point ever since this incident. Her inbox has been inundated with messages. Some claim that she lost a trustworthy individual in Chay.
Sam needs to persevere through these difficult circumstances and go on in life, according to the other messages. However, the majority of the remarks have been supportive and upbeat for the famous heroine. The breakup song from sam and Chay's majili was the most popular meme and song on the internet. Samantha's next project is a web series for amazon Prime Video called Citadel Honey Bunny.

On august 8, sobhita dhulipala and naga chaitanya were engaged in a secret ceremony in Hyderabad, formally elevating their romance to a new level. After dating covertly for some time, the pair surprised their admirers by announcing their relationship. Following Chaitanya's well reported divorce with samantha Ruth Prabhu in 2021, they started dating. Remarkably, a video from 2023 has made a reappearance on the internet, giving their engagement announcement a playful spin.

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