After getting engaged to actress Sobhita Dhulipala, naga chaitanya embarked on a new chapter in his life. About three years have passed since his divorce from samantha, another actress. Officially, the pair split up, but they kept their reasons to themselves. However, social media can be such a poisonous place that many people were chasing samantha and claiming that she was the cause of the divorce. samantha was victimized by the generalization that women are to blame in most cases, even though no one is certain why.
People used to claim, back then, that Samantha's daring sequences in "The Family Man 2" did not sit well with Chay since they went against the family's ideals. Chay was not helped by those individuals, who instead portrayed him as narrow-minded.
No actor—especially the Akkineni family, whose blood runs with film culture—could think that way. But now it's broken. samantha hasn't done as many sexy scenes as Sobhita. As an actress, there's nothing wrong with it, and it proves that Samantha's role in the family man 2 cannot have led to their divorce. Celebrities should enjoy peaceful lives at least for the time being, thanks to the narrow-minded trolls.


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