It's official now. Actress sobhita dhulipala and naga chaitanya were engaged earlier today in a customary ceremony that was only seen to the families of both parties. nagarjuna had announced the event and shared photos from the ceremony on social media. As everyone is aware, sobhita dhulipala is a contemporary film actor and a previous winner of beauty pageants. These are some details about her family.
In Tenali, she was born into a telugu household. Her mother Santha Kamakshi taught elementary school, while her father Venugopal Rao was an engineer in the Merchant Navy. Due to her father's employment in the Merchant Navy, Sobhita was born and raised in Visakhapatnam. When she was sixteen, the family moved to Mumbai.
She attended many universities in mumbai to study corporate law, commerce, and economics. She participated in an army event for her first beauty pageant and went on to represent india in Miss Earth 2013. After starring alongside vicky kaushal in Raman Raghav 2.0 in 2016, she went on to appear in other films in telugu and other languages. She is also a well known figure in the OTT industry. Stay tuned with us.
In Tenali, she was born into a telugu household. Her mother Santha Kamakshi taught elementary school, while her father Venugopal Rao was an engineer in the Merchant Navy. Due to her father's employment in the Merchant Navy, Sobhita was born and raised in Visakhapatnam. When she was sixteen, the family moved to Mumbai.
She attended many universities in mumbai to study corporate law, commerce, and economics. She participated in an army event for her first beauty pageant and went on to represent india in Miss Earth 2013. After starring alongside vicky kaushal in Raman Raghav 2.0 in 2016, she went on to appear in other films in telugu and other languages. She is also a well known figure in the OTT industry. Stay tuned with us.