The well-known actor naga chaitanya, son of nagarjuna Akkineni, recently became engaged to his real love, Sobhita Dhulipala. On august 8, 2024, a secret engagement ceremony was held at Nagarjuna's hyderabad residence. nagarjuna sent a heartfelt message on social media to announce the wonderful news, and the celebration was only attended by close family members.
Nagarjuna discussed the engagement, his son's emotions, and the equation with Chay's ex-wife samantha in a recent interview with Times Now.
Nagarjuna stated that nothing has changed in his connection with samantha Ruth Prabhu. She was still more of a daughter to him than a daughter-in-law, a closeness that never changed. He went on to mention that naga chaitanya is very happy now, after a tough time following his separation from his ex-wife, samantha Ruth Prabhu.

Just the close family attended the small-scale engagement. Amala, Nagarjuna's spouse, Chaitanya's mom, and Sobhita's parents and sister were among them. They decided to have the ceremony on august 8 because, in terms of astrology, it was a highly good day.

Nagarjuna stated that the wedding will take place soon, but they are not in a rush. Because of the fortunate date, they made the hasty decision to be engaged. For naga chaitanya, this engagement is a new beginning that will offer him happiness. Since Chay and Sobhita's love story continues to inspire many, fans are anticipating the wedding with excitement.

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